Composite Bonding is a skillful art that takes years of experience to have beautiful, long-lasting outcomes. Dr. Carolyn Kittell and Dr. Kelly Santarelli are highly skilled in composite bonding. Smile Essentials is the most sought after dental practice in the Denver area for composite bonding due to our numerous referrals from other dentists and specialists in the dental field.
Generally Dr. Carolyn Kittell and Dr. Kelly Sanatrelli are able to reshape and contour teeth to the most ideal shape and size without removing any tooth structure
In comparison to dental veneers (porcelain veneers), composite bonding is about one-third the cost.
Cosmetic composite bonding is typically done in one visit, no numbing, and can be easily repaired if ever needed.
Since there is generally no tooth structure or enamel removal, composite can be easily removed from the tooth is there is ever a need.